Friday 11 January 2019

Old film footage available on the internet

There have been quite a few short films available which show the railway in it's heyday. I am not able to find most of them now but if I come across any I will post the links below. I can't promise that they will still be there in six months time however. (You just need to copy the address of the chosen footage and paste it into your browser and hit  the 'return' key.)

This is part of an early 1950's film on Youtube which shows Goudhurst Station platform at that time (in the film the train continues to fictional 'Barden'.) The characters are supposed to be hop pickers from London, although I don't think the working classes had middle class accents.


The entire film 'Adventure in the Hop Fields' is available here and is free to view.


This footage shows the branch line in 1958. The narrator on this seems to be very knowledgeable. It is particularly interesting because for a large part of it the camera is mounted on the drivers cab giving a 'drivers eye view' I am struck by how green everything was that summer and how slim the people were.


I must have had a 'physic flash'  30/11/2020 I felt the need to re-check Youtube for footage literally two minutes after Peter Smallwood had uploaded old cine film of the journey from Hawkhurst to joining the Main Line in the spring of 1960. The film is blurry in places but very interesting.

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