Saturday 12 January 2019

Hall Farm Bridge to Badgers Oak Tunnel [part two]

All the way from Hall Farm Bridge the track bed is still rising at 1 in 80, but swamps still keep appearing bringing back memories of Horsmonden South cutting before it was filled in. I would not like to do this walk after heavy rains!

In some places where there has been water recently the ballast used on the track bed is apparent.

What are these? There are two square brick structures one each side of the track. One Youtuber thought that they were the remains of a bridge

There are also the remains of  wooden steps going up the bank (perhaps the others are buried under leaf mulch, or have rotted away.)

These structures had covers once, the broken parts of one lies nearby. Pipes drip water into a kind of sump. It appears to be something to do with drainage.

                                                                    Another bog!

Someone's doing fine.

           The cutting has almost disappeared as the surrounding countryside has risen sharply.

    Old railway sleepers border the track bed. This one is looking particularly worn out.

The track bed has risen again, this embankment is very high, it could be the highest one on the whole line which was at 49 feet. 

           This picture shows how quickly the land falls away at the side of the embankment. 

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