Wednesday 11 May 2016

Tunbridge Wells Historic Environment Desk Based Assessment for the PWH BL

I came across this assessment which was conducted in January 2016, it gives a lot of clues to the history of the Paddock Wood and Hawkhurst Branch Line since it's closure in 1961. There are also a lot of photographs of remaining structures and remnants, their significance and suggestions that some should receive listed buildings status. They even found some track which was never lifted, well worth a read! Please use the links below.

I see that the survey has recommended that some surviving structures (Swigs Hole Bridge at Horsmonden, the surviving station buildings and goods shed at Cranbrook, Badgers Oak Tunnel near Cranbrook Station and the goods shed at Hawkhurst) for preservation, I hope that Tunbridge Wells Borough Council do act on this recommendation before any other structures are lost.

I see that the enquiry was chaired by Yolanda Leybourne who has almost certainly pushed the council to conduct this investigation. A few years ago she tried to save the old engine shed from demolition on Hawkhurst Station's site. Over the last few years she has been working tirelessly to try to preserve the line as a walkway, Hawkhurst, Cranbrook, Goudhurst, and even Paddock Wood parish councils all said they would try to support the project, but I'm offering no prizes for guessing which parish council refused to have anything to do with it.
The Hop Pickers Line Project did obtain a grant for £10,000.00 from Tunbridge Wells district council to do some preliminary clearing work around Badgers Oak Tunnel and most landowners on the route said they were prepared to allow walkers to use the track bed, but one person did object so I don't know what the state of the project is now.

Please see my posting on Back Lane Bridge for later updates.